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50+ Performance Review Phrases for Customer Service

Taking the time to formally review employee performance can be a great motivational tool for workers longing for appreciation and recognition. However, most managers fill in annual appraisal forms in a perfunctory manner - missing out on a great opportunity to offer feedback and recognize good performance. Part of the reason that managers avoid and delay written communication tasks is that they appear to be confrontational - and it's difficult to find the right words and phrases to accurately represent one's thoughts and perceptions. Hence, this series of posts with phrases that can be used to evaluate performance.

In this post, we have listed phrases that are useful to describe performance of individuals in Customer Service / Customer Satisfaction. We have organized these phrases in 4 parts:

  • Meet/Exceeds Expectations: These phrases help you articulate historical performance of employees that have performed well.
  • Needs Improvement: These phrases describe historical performance of employees that have not performed as per expectations.
  • Guidance: These phrases help you structure recommendations for performance improvement over the next review period. 
  • SMART Goals: These phrases describe Goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. 

Meets/Exceeds Expectations

  1. Craig has a habit of earning kudos from customers.
  2. Rosy excels at making clients feel at ease.
  3. Happy customers is what organizations desire, and Michael delivers them in spades.
  4. Some customers can raise a storm. Susan weathers these storms with equanimity.
  5. Ash knows the right words to use, both, in difficult conversations, and with difficult customers.
  6. Brian shares a warm rapport with customers and all team members.
  7. Sunny is fluent in English and Spanish and can switch between them quite easily.
  8. Ivan welcomes every customer with a smile and a greeting.
  9. Priya always lends an ear to customers and is empathetic towards their issues.
  10. Anika solicits constructive feedback from clients - helping the organization move forward.
  11. Randy thinks on his feet and offers out-of-the-box solutions to customers with special challenges.
  12. Melanie has cultivated and nurtured great relationships with customers resulting in higher repeat business.
  13. Naomi walks the extra mile to assist and delight customers.
  14. Julia fosters long-term relationships with clients by providing them with a personalized experience.
  15. Ram always follows up with clients to ensure they can engage effectively with the company.
  16. Brayden is the go-to person in the team for unpleasant customer conversations.
  17. Tina possesses the ability to solve customer problems with simple logic and reasoning.
  18. Customers always praise Tom’s straightforward and transparent style of communication.
  19. Bruce consistently seeks approval from management to resolve issues and prevent escalations.
  20. Freya is always polite and friendly with customers. She never interrupts them during a conversation.

Needs Improvement 

  1. Pete has been receiving sub-par customer satisfaction scores over the last 3 months.
  2. Helen needs to manage customer expectations more effectively. If you "under promise, over deliver," you will not only keep the customers satisfied; you'll keep the customers.
  3. Raj must learn to resolve simple customer queries and avoid escalating them to the management.
  4. It is important for Jaime to gather greater knowledge of the company's products and services.
  5. Customers can feel alienated because of Josie's sarcasm. She shows no patience for customers with "dumb questions."
  6. While Gareth is polite and friendly with customers, he fails to identify cross-selling and up-selling opportunities.
  7. Rachel has used unacceptable and inflammatory language with customers on multiple occasions.
  8. Roger gets frustrated when customers ask too many questions.
  9. Susan must work on her delivery tone with clients. She sometimes sounds a little condescending.
  10. Wayne only does the bare minimum to help the customer and is unwilling to go above and beyond.


  1. Improve the quality of conversations with customers.
  2. Always welcome customers with a smile and a greeting.
  3. Adopt a polite tone - even when a customer makes unreasonable demands or uses inappropriate language.
  4. Respond to provocation by involving management.
  5. Never talk down to customers or patronize them.
  6. Refrain from speaking poorly of the competition.
  7. Never use pressure to close a deal or unduly influence the customer’s decision.
  8. Let customers explain their needs and problems without interrupting them.
  9. Ensure that you have all relevant information and resources at hand so that these can be readily shared.
  10. Proactively inform customers of pending delays and offer a proper explanation.
  11. Learn to tactfully refuse unreasonable customer demands.
  12. Improve troubleshooting skills to quickly and accurately diagnose problems shared by clients.
  13. Reduce the average response time to customer emails to less than 1 hour.
  14. Identify opportunities to cross-sell our value-added services to customers.
  15. Adopt a follow-up routine with customers after the conclusion of a sale.

SMART Goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely)

  1. Increase rolling 7-day customer satisfaction (CSAT) score from 83% to 88% in the next three months.
  2. Reduce the average response to customer email support to less than 1 hour in the next quarter.
  3. Improve the average quality score of customer conversations from 3.4 to 4.0 by the end of the year.
  4. Increase troubleshooting criteria score on quality assurance reviews from 2.4 to 4 by December 31.
  5. Identify upselling and cross-selling opportunities to increase revenue by 5% in Q3.
  6. Lead two product training meetings in Q4 and meet with my manager for feedback and review on sessions.

Creative Recognition Awards for Customer Service

Good customer service is a game changer. The best organizations excel at it. And recognize those who enable it. That is what these creatively titled awards from Engrave celebrate. We request you to take a look at our Customer Service Awards.

Customer Service Awards